Rob Wiltshire Notes from a semi-professional procrastinator

GitHubbin' it.

Just a quick post.

I’ve ditched the conventional ways of hosting for this site for using github-pages instead. It makes sense, cos its free hosting. And I’ve no need to be using PHP all the time.

It helps switch my brain back to thinking about simple static websites.

Kind of like how we used to do it back in ‘99.

The everyday web still inspires me.

It’s amazing how far the web has come in all that time from being so wild, so insecure, so fresh and new, to the web we have today that is so banal.

I always used to try to run over all of the ducks in my speedboat in Spy Hunter

It’s hard to imagine kids these days getting excited about a bit of Ajax, to be honest I probably wouldn’t have been excited by Ajax when I was nine I was to absorbed with playing Spy Hunter on my Spectrum when I was nine. I didn’t even know what a modem was, let alone know anything about electronic communication.

"Ajax is that floor cleaning stuff that mum uses"

I don’t care if anyone thinks its nerdy to love all this stuff. I love it. If I see a new bit of fancy UI, I’ll instantly F12 it just so I can poke around someone’s CSS or javascript. (Of course you could do more delving back in the day before everyone started minifying everything).

I know stuff like Ajax is such a commonplace, yet largely invisible thing on today’s web. But I still think Ajax is still a bit cool, a little bit like magic.